Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1take part in a discussion on young people's attitudes to sexual activities Summary sheet
2take part in a discussion on young people's attitudes towards sexually transmitted diseaseSummary sheet
3take part in a discussion on young people's attitudes to and expectations of contraceptionSummary sheet
4take part in a discussion on young people's attitudes to and expectations of healthy relationships and love Summary sheet
5take part in a discussion on young people's attitudes to and expectations of sexual consent Summary sheet
6take part in a discussion on young people’s risk taking sexual behaviourSummary sheet
7take part in a discussion on how self-image and body image can be reflected negatively through media, peers, and partnersSummary sheet
8identify at least one strategy for managing and/or minimising risk taking sexual behaviourSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

9three sexually transmitted infections and how each can be transmitted Summary sheet
10at least three different ways that HIV can be transmittedSummary sheet
11three types of contraceptives and how and where these are obtainable, eg chemists, family planning clinics Summary sheet
12at least two support agencies and two different options available to support teenage pregnancy Summary sheet
13how an individual can increase own self-esteem and confidence and at least one way to build a positive self- imageSummary sheet


14being enabled to make informed choices regarding own sexual healthSummary sheet
15exploring the impact of young people's sexual risk taking behaviour on others.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 2 August 2018Level - Entry Level