Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1apply to be a young leader by completing an application formStudent completed work
2attend a short interviewSummary sheet
3complete young leader trainingSummary sheet
4arrange and deliver at least two activities per week, eg sports, cooking, artsSummary sheet
5participate in a briefing meeting before the start of the activitySummary sheet
6offer effective planning and implementation of ideas and suggestionsSummary sheet
7act as a role model for a group of young peopleSummary sheet
8identify and implement solutions to overcome challenges and difficultiesSummary sheet
9engage the attending young people and encourage participation in the activity or eventSummary sheet
10keep to given deadlinesSummary sheet
11follow safe working practice at all timesSummary sheet
12take part in debriefing and evaluation sessions where necessarySummary sheet

shown knowledge of

13at least four health and safety concerns when working with younger people, eg carrying out a risk assessment, security, safe use of given equipmentSummary sheet


14public speakingSummary sheet
15acting an as advocate for an individual or groupSummary sheet
16carrying out risk assessmentsSummary sheet
17setting up, managing and running specialised skill activity sessions with groups of young people, eg dj-ing, cookery, computing.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 2 August 2018Level - Level One