Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

shown knowledge of

1the importance of proper service checks and Cable Avoidance Tool (CAT) scanning prior to diggingSummary sheet
2proper pre-planting tree care, including the pruning of crossing branches and the removal of tags and tree-tiesSummary sheet

demonstrated the ability to

3use safe and proper manual handling techniques when moving heavy standard trees, wheel barrows and cut turfSummary sheet
4use the following tree planting tools safely and effectively: spade, crowbar, drive-all and impact-driverSummary sheet
5dig a cuboidal hole of sufficient depth and width to promote healthy root growth in a newly planted treeSummary sheet
6plant a heavy standard tree to an appropriate depthSummary sheet
7apply supporting posts and strapping such that they promote healthy and natural stem developmentSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

8at least three planting techniques that decrease the incidence of girdling root problemsSummary sheet
9the proper use of mulch and compostSummary sheet


10taking part in a discussion about the environmental and amenity benefits of planting trees in their local environment.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 6 June 2018Level - Entry Level