Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1recognise the need to care for clothing in order to maintain their personal appearanceSummary sheet
2identify and use the appropriate products required to carry out a programme of personal care, eg detergent for use in a washing machine, polish for cleaning shoesSummary sheet
3identify at least three items of laundry equipment and use each one safely, eg washing machine, iron, tumble dryerSummary sheet
4sort clothing appropriately on at least three occasionsSummary sheet
5use a full washing machine programme independently on at least three occasionsSummary sheet
6iron clothing independently on at least three occasionsSummary sheet
7dry clothes mechanically and manuallySummary sheet
8store clothing appropriately on at least three occasionsSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

9how to monitor their personal appearanceSummary sheet
10where to purchase essential products acknowledging both choice and price, eg washing powder, fabric softenerSummary sheet
11at least two safety precautions to take when laundering clothing, eg not touching electrical switches with wet hands, not leaving irons unattendedSummary sheet
12the meaning of at least five clothing care symbols, eg hand wash only, dry clean only.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 2 June 2018Level - Entry Level