Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

shown knowledge of

1Malcolm Gladwell’s ‘10,000 hours concept’ in the book ‘Outliers’ and how to apply it to own daily self-developmentSummary sheet
2how using effective ‘self-talk’ improves preparation for anxiety provoking situations, using a personal example via a presentationStudent completed work

acquired an understanding of

3why at least three practical strategies they have used have been effective in minimising the negative impact of psychological fear on own behaviourSummary sheet and/or student completed work

demonstrated the ability to

4extract information from an academic source, ie journal, book or video showing positive approaches to psychological fear and model a suggested behaviourSummary sheet
5complete a self-monitoring plan of action they have constructed and fulfil a commitment to it for a minimum of 66 daysStudent completed work
6write an essay of a minimum of 500 words on ‘Who am I?’ without using definitive identifying characteristics of ‘What I am’, ie gender, ethnicity, occupationStudent completed work


7using a psychological fear assessment to inform own self-monitoring plan of action and then putting it into practiceSummary sheet
8taking part in a minimum of thirty hours reading, listening to audio, watching videos to regularly challenge themself to address own self-identified psychological fearSummary sheet
9taking part in a personal skills challenge in a supported and unfamiliar environment based on real-life challenges in own self-monitoring planSummary sheet
10taking part in a personal skills challenge in an unsupported and unfamiliar environment based on real-life challenges in own self-monitoring plan.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 4 May 2018Level - Level Three