Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

shown knowledge of

1Angela Duckworth’s book ‘Grit’ and how to identify practical strategies to employ for own resilienceSummary sheet
2the book on ‘psychological fear’ by Martyn Stewart and how to identify practical strategies to employ for own resilienceSummary sheet

acquired an understanding of

3at least three situations when anxiety (psychological fear) was incorrectly identified and labelled as ‘fear’ by themself and the reason for doing so via a presentationStudent completed work
4at least three repetitive responses to psychological fear and why they can restrict their resilient behaviours via a presentationStudent completed work

demonstrated the ability to

5complete Rotter’s locus of control personality test and actively engage in practical activities to improve towards a higher ‘internal’ locus of control scoreSummary sheet
6monitor own actions and language for repetitive negative behaviours they may use in response to own psychological fear to inform a self-monitoring plan of actionStudent completed work
7score a minimum of 80% on a test of psychological fear related content, ie worry, anxiety, panic, to inform a self-monitoring plan of actionStudent completed work
8write a self-monitoring plan of action including focus, self-talk and the ‘three c’s’ (commitment, challenge and control) related to developing resilienceStudent completed work


9taking part in a minimum of twelve hours exploring the concepts of psychological fear via discussion, videos and reading to assist the development of own self-monitoring planSummary sheet
10taking part in a personal skills challenge in an unsupported and familiar environment to test learned strategies of resilience.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 4 May 2018Level - Level Three