Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

shown knowledge of

1the terms ‘self-sabotage’ and ‘self-control’ in relation to human behaviourSummary sheet
2one piece of research into ‘creating permanent habits’ and ‘maximising willpower’ in relation to human behaviourSummary sheet

acquired an understanding of

3why psychological processes, including perception of the stimulus and a perceived inability to cope, trigger physical anxiety symptoms in humansSummary sheet

demonstrated the ability to

4describe two instances where they have personally perceived a situation incorrectly, which led to a physically anxious response via a presentationSummary sheet and/or student completed work
5describe three instances where they have used negative language that contributed to self-sabotage of own intended behaviour via a presentationSummary sheet and/or student completed work
6explain the ‘three c’s’ (commitment, challenge and control) related to developing resilience and self-control in humansSummary sheet
7discuss own psychological fear and self-sabotage with a trainer, mentor, teacher, coach, psychologist or other professional in a one-to-one settingSummary sheet


8taking part in a discussion on self-sabotage as a member of a small group to find at least two new adaptive strategies to psychological fear and anxiety they can useSummary sheet
9taking part in a minimum of eight hours exploring the concepts of psychological fear via discussion, videos and reading to develop ideas for self-controlSummary sheet
10taking part in a personal skills challenge in a supported and familiar environment to avoid self-sabotage and developing strategies of self-control.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 4 May 2018Level - Level Two