Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

shown knowledge of

1the major categories of alcoholic drink in social use, eg wine, spiritsSummary sheet
2at least three health risks relating to drinking alcohol, eg heart disease, sclerosis, brain damageStudent completed work
3at least three health risks relating to smoking cigarettes, eg bronchitis, emphysema, cancerStudent completed work
4at least two social pressures relating to smoking and drinking, eg advertising, peer groupSummary sheet
5the main benefits of at least three legal drugs that are in common use, eg valium, aspirin, insulinSummary sheet
6at least three health risks related to drug abuse, eg overdose, addiction, blood poisoningSummary sheet
7at least two aspects of the legislation relating to the purchase and use of cigarettes, alcohol and drugs, eg age constraintsSummary sheet


8examining at least three cartoon images associated with alcohol as a stimulus for discussion to determine in each cartoon image who is vulnerable, what the potential dangers are and how risks could be minimised.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 8 May 2018Level - Entry Level