Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1evaluate at least one apronSummary sheet
2choose the materials to be used for making own apron, ie fabric, thread, decorationsSummary sheet
3use a pattern appropriatelySummary sheet
4work safely whilst cutting fabricSummary sheet
5measure and modify if necessarySummary sheet
6use a sewing machine correctly and safelySummary sheet
7sew the ties and decorations on securelySummary sheet
8iron the apronSummary sheet
9evaluate the finished productSummary sheet
10work safely with tools and equipment, ie scissors, pins, ironSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

11how to use a pattern to make an apronSummary sheet
12how to use a sewing machine to sew simple stitchesSummary sheet
13how to evaluate own workSummary sheet


14photographing the finished product.Summary sheet or Photograph(s)

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 7 February 2018Level - Entry Level