Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1recognise 10 signs in self and others that they may be at risk onlineSummary sheet
2explain how to avoid the 10 online risksSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

3the functionality of five apps that they useSummary sheet
4three ways that they could criminalise themself and others through online behavioursSummary sheet
5the role of the CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command) in keeping young people safe onlineSummary sheet


6discussing the worst-case scenario of adding a 'friend' who they do not know to any social media device or game, considering the small steps that lead to this outcomeSummary sheet
7watching and discussing three CEOP videos and how these scenarios: (a) arose (b) could have been prevented (c) could have escalated.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 15 January 2018Level - Level One