Unit Award Scheme

110093 GANGS (UNIT 2)

In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1identify five positives of gang involvement for a gang memberSummary sheet
2identify five negatives of gang involvement for a gang memberSummary sheet
3identify five positives of gang involvement for a gang member’s familySummary sheet
4identify five negatives of gang involvement for a gang member’s familySummary sheet
5identify six impacts of gangs on the communitySummary sheet
6explain three different consequences for a child or young person for involvement in (a) carrying knives (b) carrying drugs (c) carrying illegal items (d) traffickingSummary sheet
7explain three consequences to a gang of a young person who is low within the hierarchy being prosecuted or injuredSummary sheet


8discussing a case study on the impact of gangs on individuals who are gang membersSummary sheet
9discussing a case study on the impact of gangs on the family of a gang memberSummary sheet
10discussing a case study on the impact of gangs on the community.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 12 January 2018Level - Level One