Unit Award Scheme

110077 BULLYING (UNIT 3)

In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1suggest a strategy to overcome bullying in each of the following relationships (a) siblings (b) partners (c) child-child (d) parent-child (e) adult-child, eg teacher-child (f) adult-adult (workplace) (g) adult-adult (social groups) (h) online (between children) (i) online (amongst adults)Summary sheet

shown knowledge of

2three ways in which they can support others experiencing bullyingSummary sheet
3three tools they could use to help when they believe they are experiencing bullyingSummary sheet
4three organisations that offer support to those affected by bullying.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 4 June 2018Level - Level One