Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1recognise the physical appearance of a battery, switch, filament bulb and holderStudent completed work
2identify the electronic symbols for a battery, switch and filament bulbStudent completed work
3draw a circuit diagram of a battery, switch and filament bulb connected in seriesStudent completed work
4construct the circuit of a battery, switch and filament bulb connected in series using a non-solder methodPhotograph(s)

shown knowledge of

5what 'insulation' is in relation to wiringStudent completed work

demonstrated the ability to

6draw a circuit diagram of a battery, resistor and LED connected in seriesStudent completed work
7construct the circuit of a battery, resistor and LED connected in series using solderingPhotograph(s)
8describe the function of one of the componentsStudent completed work
9give one safety precaution needed when solderingStudent completed work
10work safely while constructing circuits.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 2 November 2010Level - Entry Level