Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1explore health and safety symbols around school and in the community with supportSummary sheet
2respond to a fire alarm with adult supportSummary sheet
3explore at least two items of clothing that keep us safe in hot weather, eg sun hat, sunglassesSummary sheet
4tolerate wearing at least one safety item when taking part in leisure activities, eg arm bands, cycle helmetSummary sheet
5explore at least two items of clothing related to people who keep us safe in the community, eg police officer, firefighter, doctorSummary sheet
6follow at least two simple safety rules in the community, ie stay on the path, stay together with adult supportSummary sheet
7recognise at least two people who keep us safe in the community, eg police officer, firefighter, doctor with support Summary sheet


8using a pedestrian crossing with adult supportSummary sheet
9listening to instructions when crossing the roadSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

10at least three edible and inedible items with promptsSummary sheet
11at least two hot items that are unsafe with prompts. Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 6 December 2017Level - Pre-Entry Level