Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

acquired an understanding of

1what is meant by tables, records and fields as applied to data handlingStudent completed work
2what is meant by plain CSV files for storing records of dataStudent completed work
3the programming concept of selection, subroutines and iterationSummary sheet
4the Ask and Answer blocks in Snap!Student completed work
5the input, process, output model of computer programmingSummary sheet

demonstrated the ability to

6access and use the Snap! environment to develop computer programsSummary sheet
7create records of data in Excel and save as a CSV fileStudent completed work
8create records of data in Word and save as a CSV fileStudent completed work
9import data files into Snap! by using the set and map tool blocksSummary sheet
10use ‘stepping’ to locate and correct at least two logical errors in programsStudent completed work

shown knowledge of

11random numbers and how these can be used to develop a basic algorithmStudent completed work
12the verb-noun command format of text adventure gamesSummary sheet
13the code, test, debug cycle of computer program developmentStudent completed work

demonstrated the ability to

14use the programming concept of Selection to choose which code to executeStudent completed work
15use the programming concept of Subroutines to aid with decomposing problemsStudent completed work
16use the programming concept of Iteration to process tables, records and fields.Student completed work

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 6 December 2017Level - Level Two