Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1compare two contrasting soil samples from different locationsStudent completed work
2create a mini composterPhotograph(s)
3identify three parts of an earthworm, eg anterior, segment and clitellumStudent completed work
4create a milk bottle gardenPhotograph(s)

shown knowledge of

5three ways in which soil is beneficial to plants and animalsSummary sheet
6at least three ways in which compost is beneficial for growing plantsSummary sheet
7the meaning of the terms decomposer and tillerStudent completed work
8two ways in which worms aid plant lifeStudent completed work
9what castings are and how they are important for plantsStudent completed work

acquired an understanding of

10how soil is formedSummary sheet
11what decomposition is and how it worksSummary sheet


12examining an earthworm.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 3 August 2017Level - Level Two