Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

shown knowledge of

1ten bricklaying tools and describe how to use five of theseStudent completed work
2five materials used in bricklaying and describe where the materials would be usedStudent completed work
3draw a brick and a concrete block and identify or annotate the faces and sizesStudent completed work
4list the materials used to make mortarStudent completed work

demonstrated the ability to

5calculate the size of a brick wall 10 bricks long and 10 bricks high, including 10mm mortar beds and perpsStudent completed work
6complete a risk assessment prior to undertaking practical tasksStudent completed work
7mix mortar to the correct gauge and consistencySummary sheet
8build a stretcher bond wall seven bricks long and five bricks high within 10mm tolerance Summary sheet
9build stretcher bond quoin four bricks long by five bricks high to a tolerance of 10mm and using the 3 4 5 method to set it outSummary sheet
10build a stretcher bond two brick pier five bricks high to within a 10mm tolerance Summary sheet
11complete each task safely, complying with the risk asessment and wearing appropriate PPESummary sheet
12clean and tidy the work area after each task, storing tools correctly after use.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 12 September 2017Level - Level Two