Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1research at least three jewellery box designs and select one to makeSummary sheet
2make a card model or sketch to show dimensionsSummary sheet or Student completed work
3research at least three jointing methods and select an appropriate jointSummary sheet
4research joining methods for the lid, hinge or wooden insertSummary sheet
5mark out the joints using a steel rule, pencil, cutting knife and squareSummary sheet
6cut the joints using a band saw, back saw, mallet and chiselSummary sheet
7glue the sides and ends together using sash and G clampsSummary sheet
8glue the top for hinging, and glue the bottom to the boxSummary sheet
9cut the insert and attach to the lid for 'lift on and off' designSummary sheet
10use an edge sander and hand finish, removing any sharp cornersSummary sheet
11apply an oil or wax finishSummary sheet and Student completed work


12using a range of hand and electric power tools.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 18 May 2017Level - Level One