Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed


1taking part in a discussion on uses of essential oils, eg for dry skin, mature skin, eczema, muscle achesSummary sheet

demonstrated the ability to

2follow verbal instructions to make a bath productSummary sheet
3follow a basic written recipe for the productSummary sheet
4assemble equipment, molds and containersSummary sheet
5assemble and measure out basic ingredientsSummary sheet
6add dry ingredients, eg flowers and herbs, and mixSummary sheet
7add colour and fragrance/oilSummary sheet
8mix all the ingredientsSummary sheet
9add the mixture to a container, eg bag, jar, mouldSummary sheet and Photograph(s)

acquired an understanding of

10at least one feature of the relationship between perfume and colour, eg rose and pinkSummary sheet
11at least two different types of bath productsSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

12the main aspects of health and safety in relation to making a bath product, eg apron, gloves, heat.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 16 March 2017Level - Entry Level