Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1identify the root note and the fifth of a given chord progression on the fret boardSummary sheet
2accompany a simple chord progression by creating a bass line using the root note and the fifth of the chordsSummary sheet
3identify the root note and the third of a given chord progressionSummary sheet
4accompany a simple chord progression by creating a simple bass line using the root note and the third of the chordsSummary sheet
5identify the root note, third and fifth of a given chord progression on the fret boardSummary sheet
6accompany at least two simple chord progressions by creating a bass line using the root note, third and fifthSummary sheet
7play in time to a metronomeSummary sheet
8tune the bass guitar with an electronic tuning deviceSummary sheet
9name the open strings of the bass guitarSummary sheet
10play in time to an audio recording.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 2 March 2017Level - Level Two