Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

shown knowledge of

1at least two different types of bank accountStudent completed work
2at least two potential barriers to opening a bank accountStudent completed work
3at least three types of identification that can be used to open a bank accountStudent completed work
4at least four bills a person would have to pay, if living independentlyStudent completed work
5the key terms used for common banking transactions, eg direct debit, standing orderStudent completed work
6at least two potential dangerous situations when using gas appliances and ways to prevent themSummary sheet
7at least two causes of electrocution and ways to prevent themSummary sheet
8at least two causes of fire and ways to prevent themSummary sheet
9at least three safety measures that can be taken to protect the home and the people in itStudent completed work
10at least two precautions to take to ensure personal safety when out at nightStudent completed work

acquired an understanding of

11at least three risks of paying by credit, hire purchase and borrowing, eg loans, from friendsSummary sheet
12at least three potential consequences of debtSummary sheet
13the emergency action one would take in the event of the following: fire, gas leak, electrocution, burglarySummary sheet
14where the fire exits are within the home and the muster stationStudent completed work
15at least two safe ways of dealing with callers at the doorSummary sheet

demonstrated the ability to

16list all incoming money and outgoing expenses for a young person within a given scenarioStudent completed work
17calculate the amount of disposable income after all the bills are paidStudent completed work
18use the 24 hour clock systemStudent completed work
19use a map and timetables to plan a journey using local transport systems, eg bus, ferry, trainStudent completed work
20identify the length of the journey and calculate the required departure and arrival timeStudent completed work


21taking a journey independently or with support, eg with parent, carer, peersSummary sheet
22opening a bank account.Student completed work

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 30 September 2016Level - Level Two