Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1convert time periods given in days into weeks and daysSummary sheet
2convert time periods given in weeks and days into daysSummary sheet
3list the months of the year containing 31 daysSummary sheet
4list the months of the year containing 30 daysSummary sheet
5explain the term "leap year"Summary sheet
6calculate the total number of days in at least three given non-consecutive monthsSummary sheet
7extract specified pieces of information from a given calendar, eg the date of the first Tuesday in MarchSummary sheet
8calculate the timespan, in days, between two given dates in the same monthSummary sheet
9calculate the timespan, in weeks and days, between two given dates not in the same monthSummary sheet
10extract specified pieces of information, relating to time or money, from a given holiday brochure, eg flight timeSummary sheet
11use a given holiday brochure to calculate the total cost of a holidaySummary sheet

shown knowledge of

12the number of days in a year.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 6 January 1999Level - Entry Level