Professional development

Curriculum Connect: A-level Science: Practical Endorsement - Introduction to the CPAC and how it is assessed

If you're planning on delivering A-level Sciences for the first time or you'd just like a refresher on how to deliver, assess and evidence the CPAC, join the Practical Science Manager and two of our experienced... If you're planning on delivering A-level Sciences for the first time or you'd just like a refresher on how to deliver, assess and ...

1 event  |  Reference: SCIACT3

Curriculum Connect: All you ever wanted to know about Grade Boundaries (on demand)

In this recorded AQA curriculum connect session, join Elizabeth Pope, AQA Standards and Awarding Manager, as she dispels some of the myths surrounding awarding and grade boundaries. She will look at what happe... In this recorded AQA curriculum connect session, join Elizabeth Pope, AQA Standards and Awarding Manager, as she dispels some of ...

1 event  |  Reference: AQAXCO1

Curriculum Connect: ELC Science: Spring Update

Join our curriculum experts who will share guidance and support around TOLS and preparing your sample. Join our curriculum experts who will share guidance and support around TOLS and preparing your sample.

1 event  |  Reference: SCIECT2

Curriculum Connect: GCSE Science: Command Words

Join us for this spring Curriculum Connect, where our curriculum experts will share guidance and support around the use of command words in our assessments and their importance for students to achieve in our e... Join us for this spring Curriculum Connect, where our curriculum experts will share guidance and support around the use of comman...

1 event  |  Reference: SCIGCT5

Curriculum Connect: GCSE Science: Resource Offer

Join us to explore AQA resources for GCSE along with key insights as to how they can be effectively used. This session is designed for those new to the profession or those who have recently started teaching AQA... Join us to explore AQA resources for GCSE along with key insights as to how they can be effectively used. This session is designed...

2 event  |  Reference: SCIGCT4

Curriculum Connect: Ofqual regulations and why we do (most) things the way we do

Join this session to increase your understanding of how Ofqual's rules are translated into the experiences you have when engaging with AQA, including specification development and accreditation, assessment dev... Join this session to increase your understanding of how Ofqual's rules are translated into the experiences you have when engaging...

1 event  |  Reference: AQAXCT3