Professional development

Curriculum Connect: All you ever wanted to know about Grade Boundaries (on demand)

In this recorded AQA curriculum connect session, join Elizabeth Pope, AQA Standards and Awarding Manager, as she dispels some of the myths surrounding awarding and grade boundaries. She will look at what happe... In this recorded AQA curriculum connect session, join Elizabeth Pope, AQA Standards and Awarding Manager, as she dispels some of ...

1 event  |  Reference: AQAXCO1

Curriculum Connect: GCSE Religious Studies: Tackling 12 markers (focus on Themes)

Based on your queries and feedback during the Autumn term, this session will be a chance to discuss 12 mark questions on Themes. The meeting will be applicable to all GCSE RS components. Based on your queries and feedback during the Autumn term, this session will be a chance to discuss 12 mark questions on Themes. ...

1 event  |  Reference: RELGCT5

Curriculum Connect: GCSE Religious Studies: What can we learn from Summer 2024? Specification B

We have listened to feedback from Spec B teachers that you would like the chance to focus on specifics. In this session, our Subject Lead will provide an overview of Summer 2024 outcomes and what we can learn ... We have listened to feedback from Spec B teachers that you would like the chance to focus on specifics. In this session, our Subj...

1 event  |  Reference: RELGCT4

Curriculum Connect: Ofqual regulations and why we do (most) things the way we do

Join this session to increase your understanding of how Ofqual's rules are translated into the experiences you have when engaging with AQA, including specification development and accreditation, assessment dev... Join this session to increase your understanding of how Ofqual's rules are translated into the experiences you have when engaging...

1 event  |  Reference: AQAXCT3