Professional development




Curriculum Connect: A-Level Media Studies: Preparation for Exams

Join our online support session designed to help with exam planning, timelines, and tips for marking and moderating the NEA. This session aims to support you in navigating the spring term and provides an oppor... Join our online support session designed to help with exam planning, timelines, and tips for marking and moderating the NEA. This...

1 event  |  Reference: MEDACT3

Curriculum connect: A-level Music: Exam planning and preparing for coursework submission

Join our online support session designed to help with exam planning, timelines, and tips for preparing for coursework submission. This session aims to support you in navigating the spring term and provides an ... Join our online support session designed to help with exam planning, timelines, and tips for preparing for coursework submission....

1 event  |  Reference: MUSACT2

Curriculum Connect: A-level Physics: Guidance and Support for Application of Common Practical Assessment Criteria

Join our curriculum experts who will share guidance and support for the application of Common Practical Assessment Criteria in Physics. Join our curriculum experts who will share guidance and support for the application of Common Practical Assessment Criteria in Phy...

1 event  |  Reference: PHYACT3

Curriculum Connect: A-level Politics: Focus on Extract Questions

Join your Politics Subject Support team to get the latest updates for A-level and have the opportunity to ask questions. This session will focus on Extract Questions using examiners report highlights and exampl... Join your Politics Subject Support team to get the latest updates for A-level and have the opportunity to ask questions. This sess...

1 event  |  Reference: POLACT1

Curriculum Connect: A-level Psychology; Ideas worth sharing

Join this Curriculum Connect to hear the latest updates from AQA A-level Psychology. At this session, you'll also hear from AQA Psychology teachers and how they approach the delivery of the specification. It w... Join this Curriculum Connect to hear the latest updates from AQA A-level Psychology. At this session, you'll also hear from AQA P...

1 event  |  Reference: PSYACT6

Curriculum Connect: A-level Science: Practical Endorsement - Introduction to the CPAC and how it is assessed

If you're planning on delivering A-level Sciences for the first time or you'd just like a refresher on how to deliver, assess and evidence the CPAC, join the Practical Science Manager and two of our experienced... If you're planning on delivering A-level Sciences for the first time or you'd just like a refresher on how to deliver, assess and ...

1 event  |  Reference: SCIACT3

Curriculum Connect: All you ever wanted to know about Grade Boundaries (on demand)

In this recorded AQA curriculum connect session, join Elizabeth Pope, AQA Standards and Awarding Manager, as she dispels some of the myths surrounding awarding and grade boundaries. She will look at what happe... In this recorded AQA curriculum connect session, join Elizabeth Pope, AQA Standards and Awarding Manager, as she dispels some of ...

1 event  |  Reference: AQAXCO1

Curriculum Connect: AQA Maths Magazine: Supporting learners with maths anxiety in the classroom

In this Curriculum Connect event we welcome Sue Johnston-Wilder, Britain's leading voice on tackling maths anxiety, to share the work of the Maths Anxiety Trust. Maths anxiety is acquired over time, has the po... In this Curriculum Connect event we welcome Sue Johnston-Wilder, Britain's leading voice on tackling maths anxiety, to share the ...

1 event  |  Reference: MATXCT4

Curriculum Connect: AS/A-level Psychology: Updates to the specifications

Join the Subject Lead for Psychology to find out more about our updated AS and A-level Psychology specifications. At this Curriculum Connect, we will provide you with a timeline for the changes and walk you thr... Join the Subject Lead for Psychology to find out more about our updated AS and A-level Psychology specifications. At this Curricul...

2 event  |  Reference: PSYACW6

Curriculum Connect: GCSE and A-level Media Q&A and Networking session (Potentially including AI)

Come along to our Q&A session where you'll be able to have all your questions answered. With the exams rapidly approaching, do you have questions about exam preparation and techniques that we can help with... Come along to our Q&A session where you'll be able to have all your questions answered. With the exams rapidly approaching, d...

1 event  |  Reference: MEDSCT2