L1/2 Projects withdrawal of January entry series after 2021
Published: Friday 17 Jul 2020
From January 2021 we’ll no longer offer our Level 1 and 2 Projects (7991 and 7992) qualifications in the January exams series.
The last time students can enter for the January exams will be January 2021. The summer exams aren’t affected and we’ll still continue to offer these qualifications in the summer series.
The low and declining entries in the January series suggests we’re no longer meeting the needs of students and they also make it more challenging for us to deliver these qualifications, with confidence, in that series. While we work hard to overcome those challenges every year so that students get the results they deserve, the additional resource needed is disproportionate to the number of students.
As an education charity, we have to make decisions about how we most effectively use our resources, and sadly, we can’t justify continuing to invest in the January series. We value the L1/2 project qualifications, and by moving to summer only exams, we can continue to offer them and make better use of our resources to support these qualifications.