Alex Scharaschkin
Executive Director of Assessment Research and Innovation
Joined: July 2014
Alex is responsible for setting and maintaining standards in our qualifications, for AQA’s programme of assessment research, and for overseeing assessment innovation in AQA, including the use of digital methods and technologies.
Alex was previously Director for Regulation, Consumers and Competition at the National Audit Office (NAO) and led their work for Parliament on economic and sector regulators and consumer protection. Prior to that, he was responsible for major NAO reports on stroke care and on services for adults with autism, which led to significant policy changes and improvements in outcomes for patients and service users.
Alex is Executive Secretary of the Association for Educational Assessment, Europe. He has published academic papers in journals including Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, the British Educational Research Journal, and Public Money and Management. His research interests include the philosophy of measurement in education and the social sciences, and the application of mathematical and interdisciplinary approaches in assessment.